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Variables For Admin

In the Admin side, here are some static variables to make our life easier. They can be accessed through MVC_Admin_Factory::$variable;

The Variables

MVC_Admin_Factory::$act_tables: return active Pods tables. Sample:

     'pod_409' => array (
                    'id'         => 409,
                    'name'       => 'pods_something',
                    'title'      => 'Something',
                    'pod'        => 'something',
                    'type'       => 'pod',
                    'name_field' => 'name',

     'pods_something' => array(
                              'id'         => 409,
                              'name'       => 'pods_something',
                              'title'      => 'Something',
                              'pod'        => 'something',
                              'type'       => 'pod',
                              'name_field' => 'name',


MVC_Admin_Factory::$styles: The collection of style sheets enqueued into MVC_Admin_Factory::$styles_arr;

MVC_Admin_Factory::$scripts: The collection of JavaScript files enqueued into MVC_Admin_Factory::$scripts_arr;

MVC_Admin_Factory::$simpods_caps: The capabilities allowed to access Simpods Components in the Admin;